5 comments on “Paris, and then Back to the States

  1. Mark & Jim–I have so thoroughly enjoyed your adventures thus far, and been so thoroughly envious and inspired both–if that is possible.

    I would love to see you when you are in DC–maybe I can pull together an informal gathering of CBPP & AFSCME types if you are interested.

    Also, I’d like to issue a challenge. I have just returned from beautiful British Columbia, and you really must include Canada on your itinerary! I am married to a Canuck so I’m a little biased but they really have better Rocky Mountains than we do, and pretty terrific coastline, and mosquitoes that rival the lakes of MN!


    • Ann – Great to hear from you. We’re never sure if anyone (except Mark’s parents!) reads the blog, so it’s nice to know that it’s inspiring someone, even if it’s just inspiring envy. It would be great to see you. We’re in DC only two-plus days, arriving Wednesday, September 17 and leaving Friday evening the 19th. Stu at NGP VAN is pulling together a Happy Hour party for us on Wednesday and we’ll see to it you’re invited, though to be honest in a large-ish party like that we won’t have a lot of chance to visit. How would something after work on Thursday do? Or lunch on Friday? As for inviting others, the more people are there the less I get to visit with you, so my sense is always the smaller the better. If you were in touch with Liz McNichol or someone like that it would be great, but I’m not dying to visit with a bunch of people I hardly know anymore.

      As for Canada … It is most definitely on our to-do list. I used to have a poster in my office from Lake Louise when I worked in Minneapolis in the mid-1980s and I’ve wanted to go there ever since. I’m not sure when it will happen, but I am sure we’re going to do some time in the Canadian Rockies, some time on a railroad across the country, and – if I have my way – even some time up in the vast northern territories. The only problem, even when you’re traveling for the rest of your life, is that there isn’t enough time!

  2. Hi, guys! I’m tres excited that, from your itinerary listed above, it looks like you’ll be at the Harkin reunion thing in Death Moans? My flight is booked, reunion ticket purchased, lodging arranged, and wardrobe in progress. (Heeding Jim’s advice, of course, that multiple changes of clothes are overrated. 😉 I can’t wait to see you! Please change the e-mail address you have for me to the one I used here, and let me know the skinny on your Iowa plans, if any! Missing, missing, missing you.

  3. Gah! Site administrator, sir, please delete that little yellow emoticon that showed up in my comments. I didn’t know my “wink” would be visually quite so winky. I’m not four years old! Not even 44…

  4. Pingback: Paris! | MarkandJim.com

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