Now I know why we didn’t have more pictures of beautiful Nanjing: they were still on the camera. Rookie mistake! So here are a few more reasons why we loved Nanjing.

May Day morning in Nanjing. This is the bridge connecting the islands of Xuanwu Lake to the mainland, and it was packed all day with people coming to enjoy the beauty.

And lots of music. Here a guy plays the harmonica with a few women coming up to sing along. I also saw a few violinists randomly spread out, and others playing unidentified string instruments.

Lunch in what seemed like a random restaurant was fantastic. One of the problems with ordering when you really can’t read the menu is that these dishes were enormous; could have easily fed six people.

The downside of Chinese restaurants can be your neighbors. You can see on this table next to us multiple beer bottles, fueling a stunningly loud conversation, particularly the guy with his back to us. Notice also the cigarette in his hand. There were No Smoking signs in the restaurant, but apparently they didn’t work very well.