Our guides updated the tour map daily so we could see our progress in getting to know Dalmatia by boat and bike
We completed our Croatia bike journey back in Split, where it began, after a couple stops on the wonderful island of Brač. As you can see from the map, we really covered a lot of this incredible Dalmatian coast. We almost can’t believe how many picturesque harbor towns we saw — not to mention all the villages we biked through as we crossed over the center of each island. It’s been a fantastic way to get to know this beautiful country better.
We also enjoyed getting to know a bunch of nice people over the two weeks. They all shared our love of getting on a bike, visiting new places, trying new foods, learning about the (excellent) wines, and picking up a bit of the local language.
And now, of course, we are happy to get back to our own independent travel. We won’t get to bike anymore, but we sure do like picking our own accommodations, researching great places to eat, and, well, not ever being in a “group.”
From Split we’ll take a direct three-hour flight to Oslo and start what feels like a whole new trip. We’ve got about four weeks is Norway and Sweden, which will feature guest appearances by several beloved friends. We’ll also welcome a change in climate as the average daily high temperature drops by about 25 degrees Fahrenheit. Here we go!

Afternoon swim break at the Golden Horn, one of Croatia’s best known beaches, near Bol on the island of Brač

Many days included a ritual of anchoring the boat in a nice bay so everyone could jump off for a swim. This always felt wonderful in the scorching heat of the day.