UNESCO World Heritage Site

Mark admiring the interior of one of the monasteries we toured. They were often stunning, especially when you noticed all the heads getting chopped off. Apparently the Turks chopped a lot of heads off.

From Sighisoara in Transylvania we moved on to Sukeava in the Moldavian region of Romania. The geography here is all a little confusing for me; these are historic names that I recognize but I don’t really have a good sense of where the historic regions are. In the case of Moldavia it’s all particularly complicated. Moldavia was either independent or at least autonomous most of the time after the 14th century until 1859 when it merged with Wallachia to form modern Romania. But historic Moldavia is today split between Romania to the west, Moldova to the east, and Ukraine to the north. All confusing.

We’re here to see the famed painted monasteries of Bukovina but I’m confused with that, too. What’s Bukovina? Historically, I learned, it was a region of historic Moldavia. But even that’s confusing since today northern Bukovina is in Ukraine while southern Bukovina is in Romania. So now that’s all clear, right?

Rural Bukovina was beautiful and so peaceful

Here we are, then, up in the northwest corner of Romania, which is southern Bukovina, and the goal is to see these painted monasteries. The good news is that Lonely Planet has a guided driving tour connecting four of the best; the bad news is that the tour runs in a loop of about 150 miles. That’s a lot of driving on what is supposed to be a day off from driving. It’s a lot of time in the car, but as it turns out totally worth it.

I’ve mentioned before our surprise when, after all our travels, we discover something utterly new. And here we go again. I’ve come to love the little Orthodox churches we find throughout Eastern Europe; so different from western churches but so beautiful and peaceful. Usually not as grand or imposing as Roman Catholic churches but beautiful in a peculiarly Eastern way.

Everywhere we went we’d see another 500-year-old (or more) monastery with painted walls like this

What’s different about these Bukovina monasteries is that when they were built in the 15th and 16th centuries the exterior was frescoed as much as the interior was. And what’s amazing is that 500 years later and more, those exterior frescoes are still there and in many cases notably vivid. We were honestly bowled over when we walked up to the first of the monasteries on our tour; we’d just never seen anything like it. On top of that they were all in such beautiful, serene, bucolic places. Of course, the art in the churches, particularly inside, was often about the various martyrs getting their heads chopped off – you couldn’t believe how much head-chopping there was in these places – but if you ignored that it was calm and peaceful. The drives from one monastery to another were always beautiful and then you’d get to another beautiful church in a beautiful setting. Made for a pretty nice day.

It’s stunning that these exterior frescoes could retain the color and vibrancy after literally centuries of exposure to the elements

And it made for a great way to say goodbye to Romania. We spent one more night in the country, dropping off the car in Iasi. Iasi (pronounced “Yash”) is Romania’s second city, a university town, and I probably could have learned to really like the city but we were there too briefly to get my arms around it. What I saw was nice, but we were ready to get to Moldova.

Meanwhile, I have to say, I was crazy about this little section of our adventure. The whole car-renting thing worked well for us, even though we don’t like cars. It was a lot of driving (for Mark; I’m without a drivers license at the moment), but it was really the right way to get around quickly. And modern technology makes driving in strange places so much easier: we would just map the route on my phone, plug it into a USB port in the car, and we then had access to all our music and the little woman inside my phone would read out turn directions as we went along. The routes weren’t always perfect, but it was a massive improvement over trying to read old maps.

Meanwhile the Balkans, overall, were great, and Romania may have been the crown jewel. Cobblestones, Dracula’s castle (but not really…), horses and buggies, adorable little town squares, great hiking, beautiful parks, old ladies walking on country lanes looking just like old ladies probably did 200 years ago, great wines; Romania has it all, and at a fraction of what you might expect to pay. In fact, September, essentially all of which we spent in the Balkans, was the least expensive month we’ve had in nearly two years, since we were in Mexico and Guatemala. When your costs are akin to Mexico and Guatemala, you’re doing fine!

Did I mention horses and buggies? Lots and lots of people still get around this way. Mark was particularly amused by the picture in the top left: a flashy Mercedes being held up on what passes in Romania as a highway by a horse and buggy.

One thing about the Balkans in general and Romania in particular that stands out when I look back: how safe they felt. When I think of the parks in Sofia that we were at first reluctant to walk through at night, until we say parents and little kids playing in there, or when I think of 50-year-old women hitchhiking in Romania, it occurs to me that this must be just genuinely safe. Where else do you see pretty much anyone trying to catch rides with strangers? Makes me feel good about humanity. Until I read news from Washington, but we’ll leave that behind for now.

Next stop, the former Soviet Socialist Republic of Moldavia, now the Republic of Moldova.

It’s fall here, with all the colors in the fields to prove it

The Last Judgment on one of the exterior monastery walls

The siege of Constantinople on another monastery

More painted walls

And more

Mark posing outside one of them

The fortress of Suceava where Stephan the Great – Moldavia’s greatest ruler – held off an attack from the Ottoman sultan Mehmed the Conquerer. Twenty years earlier Mehmed had captured Constantinople and he was still on the march into Europe. It is reasonable to say that had Stephen not defeated him here the history of Europe may have been quite different.

The route from Suceava’s city center to the Fortress. This was one of those places when I was struck by how safe Romania seems. It was starting to get dark when I walked out there and there was no lighting or anything, but there were others on the walk as well, seemingly unconcerned about being vulnerable.

It’s worth adding that these monasteries aren’t just historical artifacts. This was a very modern one we stopped by on our way to Suceava.

Of course, there was food, too. On the long drive up to Suceava we looked at TripAdvisor to find a restaurant en route. There was a well-rated Italian place in a town along the way so we stopped. Turns out the owner was originally from Naples and his antipasto, in particular, was genuinely authentic Italian. Oh, by the way, that’s my glass of wine posing by Mark. He was driving, so I enjoyed the wine on my own.

Speaking of food, what’s not to like about sausages, ham, good mustard, and sauerkraut?

It’s been a while since we had a kitty picture, but this one was particularly friendly. He climbed up on Mark’s lap and sat there purring and purring.

And dogs, too! Don’t they look a little big for that poor mamma?

The clock tower, one of several old towers still standing on the town walls

Our fourth stop in Romania was Sighisoara (pronounced something like sig-ee-shwo-ara; I had to practice) another wonderfully beautiful old town settled in the 12th century by Transylvanian Saxons. The oldest part of the city was built on a hill, surrounded of course by impenetrable walls, and that area – the citadel – retains much of the feel of medieval Europe. It is so historic, in fact, that in 1999 UNESCO named it a World Heritage Site in honor of the 850-year history of those Transylvanian Saxons.

The main thing to do in Sighisoara, then, is to just wander around the citadel and admire the architecture and remaining walls and towers. And you will be reminded, should you somehow forget, that Vlad the Impaler – also known as Dracula, was born here when his father, Vlad Dracul, Prince of Wallachia, was here in exile.

There’s an old cemetery up in the citadel that seemed particularly eerie knowing that Dracula was born here

Meanwhile, fall is upon us, moving in fast. On the morning of October 1, it was barely above freezing when I went out for a morning run, the first time I’ve needed hat and gloves in many months. Then we needed to scrape the frost off the car (with my ATM card; the rental company didn’t provide us with a scraper) before we could drive away. When was the last time I did that?

By now we’re definitely getting a feel for Romania and I have to say, I’m loving it. Mark is a little harder to please when the food isn’t so great but I’ve loved the beautiful medieval town centers and the landscape as we drive through. The wine is little short of remarkable. Who ever knew Romanian wine would be so good and cheap?

I think this is the third dinner we’ve had in Romania in a vaulted cellar. Mark is enjoying a Greek Salad (sort of; they don’t really have corn in them) along with a very typical eggplant salad and some delightful Romanian wine.

There are some peculiarities, though. We’ve seen more hitchhikers in Romania than anywhere in the world, just lots of people – young, old, men, women, you name it – hitching a ride. And the horses and donkeys pulling carts; didn’t that end like 30 years ago? But no, they’re everywhere, just adding to the ambience of a beautiful country. Two more stops to go!

We stayed at a Mercure hotel that they’d just opened after remodeling. It had a great feel, as though we were in a classy Best Western in a small town in Colorado.

These asters are everywhere this time of year

Lots of beautiful flowers in Sighisoara

Did I mention that Vlad the Impaler, aka Dracula, was born here?

One day I climbed out of town up to a park full of oak trees that are allegedly hundreds of years old. I was rewarded with this view as well as perfect place to sit and read for a while.

Another view of the approach to the citadel and the clock tower

When a friend saw on Facebook that we were in Romania, she told us about Jimmy the dog, who protects the main square and whom she met a few years ago. Jimmy is still here but he’s not so lively these days. Every time we saw him, well, this was his notion of protecting the town square.

The Church of St. John, dedicated to John of Patmos, sits on a cliff overlooking Lake Ohrid and the town below

Ohrid rhymes with “horrid,” but don’t let that fool you; this little gem on the shores of Lake Ohrid is one of the most beautiful places we’ve been in these four-plus years of travel. Ohrid is one of a small number of sites on UNESCO’s World Heritage list that is referenced for both its natural and cultural heritage; most sites are one or the other, but Ohrid is both stunningly beautiful and culturally important. It is a remarkable place where we could easily have spent more than the two full days allotted. Alas, we wanted to stay longer but the day we were scheduled to leave was Macedonia’s national independence holiday and they were fully booked. That’s right, we were all but kicked out of town.

What’s the natural beauty? Lake Ohrid is one of the oldest lakes in Europe, dating back at least two million years and perhaps as much as three million years. Due to its age, depth, and isolation, the lake supports some 200 species of plant and animal life that are unique to the lake itself. Walk around the hills that surround the lake and you feel that you must be on the Mediterranean, or at least Lake Como or something like that in Italy.

The Church of Saints Clement and Panteleimon is another church with some great views

And on top of that, for centuries Ohrid was a major ecclesiastical city. You know you’re in a religious place when the airport is called “St. Paul the Apostle Airport.” It has been a major church place at least since St. Clement of Ohrid walked the streets here. He lived back in the 9th century (when Ohrid was part of the Bulgarian Empire) and is considered the first Bishop of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. He is one of the leading saints of modern Bulgaria and the patron saint of today’s Macedonia. By the end of the 10th century, Ohrid was the capital and main city of the Bulgarian Empire. Hundreds of churches were built during these centuries before the Ottoman invasions of the 15th century; in fact, it is said that there were once 365 Orthodox churches in Ohrid, one for every day of the year.

Certainly not all of those churches remain, but several of them do and they add immeasurably to the natural beauty of the place. On our first day there I stumbled onto St. Sophia, an 11th century church that displays some remarkably well-preserved frescoes. And as you just walk around and explore you see more of these wonderful old churches filled with icons and relics. It’s enough to make you want to join the Orthodox church. Well, almost.

Frescoes in the Church of St. Sophia date back to the 12th and 13th centuries. When the Ottomans took control they plastered over these evil paintings so when they were uncovered centuries later they were in great condition for their age.

Ultimately, then, Ohrid was about sitting by the lake reading, swimming in the lake, hiking up into the hills, and all that. The food was great, including one night at a place called Belvedere where live music was not just nice entertainment but even led to lively dancing around our table. One night after dinner we caught the end of a live concert with some Macedonian pop group. All in all a great way to spend a couple days. It would have been a great way to spend even more days, but they wouldn’t let us. Sad.

A view of the lake from our hotel. There wasn’t a lot of swimming there but I can speak with authority that the water was clean, reasonably warm, and relaxing.

This was my favorite tiny stretch of beach, well out of town and very quiet. I spent several hours there finishing the biography of George H.W. Bush I had started.

Part of the lovely path out to my beach. From here it went up into the hills and then back down, so you had to really want to get there. I did.

Mark in front of the Church of Saints Clement and Panteleimon. Both the interior and exterior have been massively renovated in recent years but, to our surprise, the interior was pretty uninspiring. From the outside you expect it’s going to be huge and impressive but it really was neither.

Speaking of not so huge, there were lots of Yugos and other similar cheap, old little cars around

Lots of flowers and beautiful buildings and so on in Ohrid

The reconstructed walls of Bulgarian Tsar Samuel’s castle dating from the late 10th century make for great views over Ohrid

There was a walking path way around the lake. Ultimately I don’t know how far it went, but it was a long way around where you would find what looked like pretty hip beach clubs and bars and so on.

Speaking of food, we loved the simple things. In this case fried cheese, grilled eggplant, and cabbage.

And then there was the night of dancing in our restaurant

Our table was often surrounded and we didn’t mind a bit