
Hiking up Le Brévant on one side of town you get views like this over to Aiguille du Midi

Now we’re definitely up in the Alps. Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, the official name of the town, was the site of the first-ever winter Olympics 100 years ago and has long been – and continues to be – a center of year-round Alpine activity. Whether skiing in the winter or hiking in the summer, this is the place to be for outdoor adventure.

These days when we travel we pretty much always have our hotels reserved in advance; we’ve had too many experiences when the hotel we want is no longer available just a few days or even weeks in advance. And sometimes we even have meals reserved. Rarely, though, do we schedule and reserve activities in advance. In Chamonix, that was a mistake.

The town church with Le Brévant in the background

We got here by bus from Annecy – an easy and comfortable 90-minute ride – and started to research “what to do” in Chamonix. We quickly come up with a couple really exciting options. Neither Mark nor I have ever been on a helicopter so we’re going to do a helicopter tour of Mont Blanc, right behind the city and the highest mountain in Europe. And we’re going to take a cable car – the Téléphérique – way up the mountain called Aiguille du Midi with spectacular views over France, Switzerland, and Italy. Sounds great!

There are of course always great meals on our stops. In this case our hotel had a Michelin-starred restaurant on site so here we are with Mark’s favorite, foie gras.

Except it turns out that in tourist-intense Chamonix you have to plan and reserve these thing well in advance. I went to the website of the helicopter tour agency, expecting to make a reservation. Instead I had to fill out a form, with a promise they would respond within 24 hours. Never heard from them. Nothing. Presumably they were so full they didn’t need to respond.

OK then, how about that Téléphérique up Aiguille du Midi? Nope, that’s sold out too. The receptionist at the hotel told us that if you get there early in the morning they sometimes release tickets for later in the day so we got up early for breakfast and headed over. No way. No tickets available for days. Definitely frustrating but that’s what we get for prioritizing spontaneity over planning. We like landing in a city and figuring out what to do but sometimes it just doesn’t work that way.

You might think, then, that maybe Chamonix is a little overrun with tourists, right? And the answer would be absolutely. It is a genuinely beautiful alpine town, down in a valley with mountains climbing up all around the city. Beautiful hotels, beautiful restaurants, beautiful flowers, beautiful shops. Even beautiful people. Notwithstanding the hordes, there is lots to love in Chamonix even if you can’t do the things you want.

The view from our balcony. The weather our first day-and-a-half was picture perfect and the colors were amazing.

While this was Mark’s first trip high up in the French Alps, it was actually my third. I came up here twice while I was in the Navy in the 1970s, once in the summer when my ship was in Toulon and once in the early spring, again on a cruise to Toulon. I have absolutely no idea where in the Alps we were but I have vivid and fabulous memories of both trips. The one thing I’m certain of is that I didn’t come to Chamonix or anything nearly as expensive and fabulous as this town!

Lunch under a blue awning with a blue t-shirt and blue menus

So, if you can’t do the things you really wanted to do what do you do in Chamonix? Well, our first afternoon I went on a modest hike up Le Brévant, the mountain that rises from the town across from Aiguille du Midi. It was mid-afternoon before I got out so nothing too intense, but beautiful. And the next day I did a measurably longer hike, further up Le Brévant. That hike was really beautiful with some occasional views down the valley and up the mountains across the way.

One of the striking things about those hikes was the number of trail runners you encounter. Here I am working pretty hard to get up the mountain trail and literally dozens of runners, men and women, come running by. Admittedly more down than up (I have to guess that some of them drive or maybe take a cable car up and then run down) but sometimes you definitely see the same runner on the way up and then later on the way down. To me it seems almost physically impossible and incredibly dangerous – they seem like broken ankles just waiting to happen. But apparently it’s a real thing because there were a lot of them.

Probably 40 minutes up Le Brévent – and some of that is a pretty steep climb – is this perfect café, Chalet de La Floria. In the morning it was empty like this but by the time I came back around 11 AM it was almost packed. There was a table for me, though, so I had water, an espresso, and my book. With that view.

So the hiking was great. And then you would see all these hang gliders up in the sky so we thought, hell, we could do that. It’s a tandem ride where they strap you onto an experienced guide and all you do is lie there while he or she does all the work. Again, we’ve never done it before but it’s quite the thing in Chamonix. On our first full day then we make reservations for the next day. Sounds great.

Hang gliding looks fun, huh?

Except the weather doesn’t cooperate at all. While the weather was perfect on arrival and the next day – mid 70s, lots of sunshine – by the next day it was completely overcast, foggy and rainy. So no hang gliding either. Dammit. All was not lost though. Because the weather was so bad all of a sudden you could now go to the Téléphérique, buy a ticket, and just head up the mountain. They made it clear that the views were seriously compromised (which is why so many people had canceled and rescheduled their tickets), but you could go if you wanted. The views were no where near as good – at the highest point you could see precisely nothing – but for some of the trip the views were still pretty good. So at least we got that in.

I thought Chamonix was beautiful and exciting enough to warrant perhaps a return visit some day. We know now, though, to plan this one well in advance. Maybe someday.

The little Are River runs right through town

Just starting up the mountain on a little hike

Dinner at the regular, i.e., non-Michelin, restaurant in our hotel. The restaurant was nice but dinner didn’t work out so well. Mark must have had something bad for lunch so he was too sick to eat. My meal was great though.

Mark relaxing on our balcony before breakfast. As you can see by now the weather has changed pretty significantly.

A selfie in Chamonix

The view from a mountain hike

The first leg of the Téléphérique gets you up this far. The views were pretty good.

Then you go even higher in these cable cars up into what feels like the ether

Now we’re over 12,000 feet up, it’s pretty darned cold, and it’s pretty darned foggy

That rocky crop is just a little bit away but still barely visible

I like the picture from this view point. Behind Mark is the explanation of what you would see … if you could see anything. And so while the view was non-existent, it was still cool being up there.

Another picture where all you can see is Mark

Mark at our Michelin meal

And on our last night in a little out-of-the-way restaurant that was fabulous. The only downside was that the walk back was seriously dark down a muddy lane. The meal was worth it though.

One last view of Chamonix from up on Aiguille du Midi

Annecy straddles the River Thiou, fed by beautiful Lake Annecy

Two and a half hours east of Lyon, by train, things begin to look very Alpine. Especially as we reach the lovely town of Annecy, on the northern tip of sparkling Lake Annecy. This strategic juncture was the home of the Counts of Geneva in the 13th century, followed by the Counts of Savoy from the 14th century.

The third largest lake in France, Lake Annecy boasts some of Europe’s cleanest water. The town began attracting tourists in the late 19th century, thanks to the pristine waters, pastel-colored buildings, and lush alpine scenery.

Fortunately for us, the heat spell broke while we were here. On the first day the town felt unbearably hot and crowded. The second day we got enough relief to enjoy a bike ride around the 26 mile circumference of the lake, including a lunch stop at a truly fantastic restaurant, followed by a late afternoon at our hotel pool. By day 3 we were wearing sweaters.

Jim celebrates the clean cool waters of Lake Annecy

That’s me biking along the beautiful lake

On our first day it was so hot we couldn’t stand to eat lunch at any of the ubiquitous outdoor restaurants. So we went into a well air-conditioned place, where I ordered some kind of steak known as “Café de Paris.” I had no idea that this steak, originating from a restaurant in Geneva, comes swimming in a massive pool of butter, intensely flavored by garlic, herbs, and anchovies. It was amazing!

The castle of the Counts of Savoy

Along the River Thiou

Me again, riding through the beautiful countryside around the lake

The view from our balcony

The same view, the next day when things cooled off and a brief storm rolled into town

At the fancy lakeside hotel where we stopped for a glorious lunch during our bike ride around the lake

That glorious lunch

Lunch on our pleasantly cool last day. We are seated just at the edge of the restaurant in a very atmospheric courtyard…

…where this is my view when I look up

There is a lot of boating and other lake activities going on here

One last look at the wonderful town

A shopping arcade, Place de l’Argue (don’t argue with me, that’s the actual name) on a Sunday when everything is closed. Pretty much sums up our stop in Lyon.

A little more than 10 years after our first visit to Lyon, we’re back. This is our 18th stop on our whirlwind tour and only the third place we’ve ever been before; all of the remaining stops will be new to us. While a lot of things have changed in those 10 years – seen massive amounts of the world, sold our software company, moved to New York – one thing remained the same: we’re at the same M Gallery hotel we stayed at back then. We loved it back then and we still like it a lot and while I certainly don’t remember every detail of it it’s definitely familiar.

The path down from the Basilica. We walked the same path – and have a very similar picture – 10 years ago. Except in that picture (click on the Lyon link in the first sentence of the blog) Mark was wearing a shirt, sweater, jacket, and coat. Definitely didn’t need all that on this trip!

One quick note on getting here. We’re moving by train these days and these French trains are simply amazing. I don’t think we’ve left so much as a minute late on a single trip. They’re comfortable, fast, smooth, relaxing – everything you want in travel. We like it best when you can reserve your seats but even when that’s not possible it’s such a pleasant way to travel. I’ve noticed, too, that you almost never hear anyone talking above a whisper or at most a quiet voice. And no one listing to their phone on speaker; people seem genuinely respectful of the other people around them. And while it almost always takes longer to go by train than to drive – especially the trip to Clermont, which required three trains – the time is so relaxing. I’m getting more reading and napping done than if I were, say, driving (when apparently you’re not supposed to do either) and I love watching the summer fields go by. The sunflowers and corn and hay fields and sunflowers and corn and corn and corn.

There were two problems with this stop. One, it’s freaking hot. It was 97 degrees much of the day on our one full day in Lyon and that’s just too hot. We were concerned when we planned the trip that in this time of climate change Europe is getting too hot in the summer. Well, the first few weeks were fabulous, almost too cold (though we did not complain). If we’d spent weeks like this it would be a very different experience.

We went out in the morning to explore the old city a bit and then go up the funicular to the Basilica when the temperature was pleasantly in the mid-70s. After that, though, damn. All you want to do is sit in your air conditioned room but even most nice hotels in France aren’t built to handle this kind of heat. We went to lunch and as happens with almost shocking frequency we sit at an outdoor table in the shade, under an umbrella or awning and everything is fine. Sure it’s hot but you’re sitting in the shade. Ten or 15 minutes later you see that the sun is creeping your way and suddenly you’re broiling. You move to something that looks as though it will stay in the shade but no, the sun finds you again. It’s happened on multiple occasions this trip. You’d think we could figure out how to avoid that but you would be wrong.

The lunch where we couldn’t escape the sun. That was annoying but the view of the Cathedral was pretty nice. I actually went into the Cathedral after lunch to sit in the cool quiet and read for a while.

Oh, and the other problem. We arrived on Saturday, when most things are closed including lots and lots of restaurants, particularly in August. Then our one full day is Sunday, when everything is closed. Between the heat and the August Sunday this seems like one dead city. I look at our pictures from Lyon 10 years ago and realize, “Yeah, weekdays in April might be a better time to be here…”

To get to the old city from our hotel you had to cross a pedestrian bridge over the Saône River. It was unshaded and very hot but on the far side was this plaza with a light mist. Neither of us laid in it like this but we both enjoyed the cool water on our legs.

And one other noticeable thing. For one of the first stops since we left Paris you hear people speaking English, and North American English at that. So many of our stops the tourists are almost all French, with a few Germans and other weirdos. Almost no Americans, though, until Lyon.

From here we head up towards the Alps and then down to the beach so we should soon be seeing more temperate weather.

Lunch on arrival at a table that was technically indoors (and thus fully shaded) but open onto the street. And for the record that bottle of tequila was for the flowers, not our lunch drink.

Inside the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, proof that we do more than eat at restaurants and sit at cafés

Another view of the interior of the Cathedral. A little sign on the wall observes that on December 17, 1600, Henri IV married Marie de Medici. He keeps popping up on this trip…

Place de la République would normally be buzzing but on a Sunday when it’s 97 degrees? Not so much. Oh, and that’s our hotel right in the center of the picture, with our corner room right under the cupola. If I blew the photo up you could see a shirt of mine hanging to dry on the balcony!

The view of the Basilica from our little balcony

We took the funicular up to the Basilica but took these stair down

A street in the old city

Another day, another meal on some patio or plaza. And another burrata with tomatoes – it seems as though this dish has been on every menu for the last two weeks. The tomatoes are really good summer tomatoes but we’re starting to get tired of it. And please note that my arms aren’t really freakishly long; it’s just the camera distortion. I swear.