5 comments on “Bicycling

  1. beautiful pictures and so glad you captured the “moment” that soon led to my exile on a dusty Italian highway interchange, where i spent – actually – one rather sweet hour contemplating life past and present, and another 30 minutes wondering if this chapter would ever end, and another 30 minutes, well, expediting my rescue. It was awesome to meet you guys! I am very jealous of your tuna tarare meal however!

    • Thanks Amy – it was a real treat riding with you and getting to know you. Thank goodness you were willing to ditch the husband and kids for a few days…

      Best wishes!

  2. Ditto on the tuna tartar (well deserved, for doing the “long” route by yourself). Pics and commentary are great, and brings back great memories!! enjoy the rest of your travels! Really enjoyed the people we met!! Looking forward to follow you (both) on your blog………..

  3. Mark and I we’re talking just the other night. It turns out we’re not SURE you’re not Cynthia Nixon just trying to travel incognito. Probably not, but there’s enough doubt to keep us wondering…

    We hope to find another excuse to travel together soon!

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