6 comments on “Bangkok

  1. Be sure to check out the floating market. Also if you get time you need to go to Ching Mi (unsure of the spelling) go to the elephant camp. It was awesome?

    • Hi Debbie –

      Yeah, the floating market was very cool. We were up in Chang Mai a couple years ago and as much as we liked it, we’re heading into Cambodia instead of going north. But it’ll be a long winter, so we’re keeping the option open of coming back into Thailand before we head back west into Europe for the summer…

      Stay well!

  2. You describe Bangkok so well! A city of contrasts. If you get the chance to see a dance program somewhere in the city I highly recommend it. Thai dance is mesmerizing. And going on a trek in the north (Chang Rai) is also fantastic — riding an elephant, going down the river on a raft they build for you in front of your eyes, staying in villages.

    I hope the dentist visits are uneventful!

    Sending love,


    • Yes, the dentist visits were uneventful, except in noting how much cheaper they were than in Cambridge – literally a quarter of the price, and I think the quality was just as good. As for northern Thailand, we were up there a couple years ago and are going to bypass it for now. Headed into Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos, and we’ll see what happens after that.


  3. Hi you two,
    Was great to meet you and love your blog and pictures. I can see how I will live vicariously through your travels as the Wisconsin winter begins! Stay safe and enjoy your travels.


    • Thanks Bonnie. I spent 12 winters in Wisconsin when I was young (and another 15 or so in Minnesota) so I know something about what you’re in for. Stay warm!

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