
All posts by Jim St. George

Me, sand, surf, and a Kindle. Does it get better than this?

Praia da Pipa – Pipa Beach – is an absolutely magical little surfer/backpacker town in northeastern Brazil, almost precisely at that point where Brazil sticks furthest out towards Africa. It’s big enough to have great restaurants, bars, shops, and hotels but so small if you look it up on Wikipedia all you get is a Praia da Pipa in Portugal.

In other words, it was heaven. There were three things I loved most about Praia da Pipa. First, we stayed at Toca da Coruja, one of the most beautiful resorts we’ve stayed at in a long time. Not grand five-star luxury exactly, and somewhat surprisingly not even on the beach. But beautiful bungalows with great wrap-around verandas set in gloriously verdant tropical gardens. So nice you really didn’t want to leave.

The walkway to our bungalow

But leave one must as there are beaches to be experienced. Our hotel had a private little rustic space on the beach maybe 10 minutes away by vehicle and they’d drive you out there in the morning and pick you up in the afternoon. Once I figured out where it was you could also walk out to the beach in maybe 35 minutes and that was nice too. Once you got there it was quiet, remote, and beautiful. The swimming wasn’t so good as the undertow and currents were pretty strong so they urged you not to swim out at all. We could go out maybe waist deep and as the waves came in you could feel pretty certain you didn’t want to be out any further.

Our rustic little beachfront – shade, tables, chairs, great food, and good wine

On top of that beautiful beach, though, they served lunch out there too. Oh my god did they serve lunch. Three days we were there and three days we had moqueca, this Brazilian fish stew that is simply to die for. We remembered it from a trip to Brazil we did in 2005 but I’d forgotten how good it was. That, a salad, and some great Argentine Pinot Grigio and we were very happy campers.

And then finally the third thing I loved was the town itself. Again, this perfectly sized tourist town but not at all overrun (yet, at least) with package tour groups. Much more of a surfer vibe that, though I’m not a surfer, I love. Lots of little restaurants and little bars that don’t measure tiny drinks all meant for independent travelers. When we were first coming into town our driver pointed out that there are lots of shrimp farms in the area and that if you like shrimp this was the place to be. He wasn’t kidding – tons of shrimp on every menu, all of it good, and distinctly inexpensive.

How can you not like a town with sights like this?

All in all just about a perfect little stop. And, with two stops in Brazil under our belts, neither of us have been robbed even once on this visit. We’ll see how long we can keep that streak going!

A little slice of our veranda, including one of two rocking chairs. It was a perfect spot for early morning or evening relaxing.

There were two pools in the resort. Again, not too shabby.

Here’s the moqueca and salad we would have for lunch every day. If we’d have stayed for a week I don’t think we’d have tired of it.

Mark enjoying our nearly private beach

The dirt road leading to the beach

And a surprisingly lunaresque landscape on the walk back from the beach

When we got into Praia da Pipa our first stop was lunch, at pretty much the closest place to our hotel. The food was great (shrimp, not surprisingly) and the view out to the ocean was gorgeous.

Lunch by the pool. Pretty nice!

Our last stop in Egypt was Sharm El Sheikh, a tourist hub at the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula. Technically in Asia, the city is a quick flight across the Red Sea from Hurgada and is sometimes known as the “City of Peace” in recognition of the many international peace conferences that have taken place here over the years. That name was a bit harder to maintain after Islamist terrorists set off a series of bombs, killing 88, in an attempt to damage the tourist industry and thus Egypt’s economy. To be sure, the attacks certainly did damage the economy though it didn’t have the longer-term impacts the perpetrators had presumably hoped for. In more recent years then-President Hosni Mubarak flew here during the Egyptian Revolution of 2011 and it was here that he resigned.

Acres and acres of beautiful grounds

Our experience was significantly more peaceful, this proving to be one of the more beautiful places we have been in some time. We kept looking around at the lush gardens and beautiful pools, lounging in our beautiful room wondering how in the world this could be only a small amount more expensive than the Oberoi over in Hurgada. Take my word for it, if you need to choose between the two, come to Sharm!

As much as we liked our five nights here, it sure started badly. Our flight across the Red Sea was an afternoon flight so we didn’t get to the hotel until perhaps 7:00 PM or so. Except when we got their the hotel said their records showed we hadn’t prepaid our reservation so they were going to put a large “hold” on our credit card to charge us when we checked out. Except we had prepaid the reservation and had both an email attesting to than and could show them our credit card statement online that had the charge. In the small number of cases where something similar has happened the management takes a copy of the email, gives us our room, and figures out their mistake. Not here. Their response was effectively “You made that reservation on; we’re not responsible for it.”

This guy seems to have a good life. And presumably never gets bad treatment from the hotel front desk.

Oh my God. We ended up spending an hour sitting in the lobby, first explaining it to them, then arguing with them, and then finally getting on the line. The help desk there got it straightened out and finally the front desk gave us our key. When Mark explicitly asked for an apology – it was clearly and completely a mistake in their system – they declined to do so.

A bad way to start, but it ended up well. Mark gets pissed about stupid behavior like this so he prepared to talk with the general manager the next day. He Googled the guy, saw his photo and then at breakfast when he saw the guy went right up told the story. To his credit the GM didn’t try to explain or justify or anything like that. He apologized and said he would fix things. Ultimately he offered us an upgrade (we declined; we liked the room we were in better), comped our dinner that night (including wine; nice touch), and saw to it that for the next four days staff bent over backwards to make sure we had a nice stay.

The view from the breakfast area down to the sea

And we did. There wasn’t much to do besides just hang out at the beach but that’s always one of favorite things to do. The one thing Hurgada had over Sharm El Sheikh was that the snorkeling there was better, but otherwise there was nothing not to like about hanging out, reading, swimming, eating, enjoying the lush grounds … you know, the usual. A nice way to finish our month-long stay in Egypt.

Except it wasn’t quite over. We were to catch a flight to Cairo and then a connecting flight through Dubai to Brazil. And I think the airport at Sharm El Sheikh was probably the worst airport experience we’ve had ever, anywhere. The security lines were just insanely long, slow, and messy. It was crazy, at least 30 minutes, probably closer to 45, before you could get to the check-in counter, check your bags … and go through security again. It’s not as though security was tight, though. As we finally got right near the front where one guy was slowly checking IDs as people kind of massed around him, trying to get his attention so he would take their ID and let them through, I saw a Chinese woman just walk past while he was distracted and go to have her stuff x-rayed.

So a terrible finish to go with our terrible arrival. In between, though, it was close to perfect. Now on to Brazil!

Sunrise over the resort

And sunset

More prettiness from the grounds

Big excursion – one night we left the hotel to go to a Thai restaurant in a Hyatt hotel. It was good but just a hassle to deal with taxis so otherwise we pretty much just stayed at our own hotel.

Boston Bear loved the place too. They set him up with a tiny pillow and little blanket that was just perfect for him. He’s bugging already to go back!

The tomb of Tutankhamun in Valley of the Kings. Seeing it spelled like this I recognized that “ankh” is the Egyptian symbol of life while “amun” was the Egyptian sun god.

We sailed north from Edfu to Luxor, arguably the most important site of Ancient Egypt. Known to the Greeks as Thebes, the city grew in prominence from about 2000 BC when it was the capital of Upper Egypt (note that I’m finally getting used to the fact that Upper Egypt is in the south, referring to the upper Nile, which flows northward into the Mediterranean) until by 1550 BC it was the political, religious, and military capital of all Ancient Egypt. Its local god, Amun, rose in prominence with the city and he soon became associated with the sun god Ra as the “king of gods,” Amun-Ra. Together with his wife Mut and son Khonsu, the moon god, they ruled as Egypt’s divine trinity. (Wait, a big god father, a mother who is worshipped, and a son also worshipped as a god; I’ve seen that pattern somewhere. It seems like a good model to copy if someone were creative…) By the time of the conquest of Alexander the Great in 323 BC the city had fallen into ruins but he came to pay respects and essentially claim the mantle as the new Amun-Ra.

During those thousand-plus years, though, there was a millennium’s worth of wonders built and today Luxor is known sometimes as the world’s greatest open-air museum: temples of Karnak and Luxor, the Valley of the Kings and Valley of the Queens across the Nile. With so much to see we were glad to have three days here to drink it all in.

Sunset on the Nile. We’re on the east side of the river, meant for the living, while the west where the sun sets and things go to die is for the Theban Necropolis.

It might be worth mentioning that modern history hasn’t been as kind. Luxor was the site of major 1997 attack where six Egyptian terrorists killed 62 tourists at the Temple of Hatshepsut, devastating the tourist industry in Egypt broadly and Luxor specifically. The 9/11 attacks just four years later, followed by a terrorist attack at Sharm el-Sheikh in 2005 and the revolution in 2011 that removed long-serving President Hosni Mubarak, didn’t help. Today the area seems remarkably calm; tourism is still reduced but there’s lots of security and – from a purely selfish perspective – it’s a lot more fun to tour the sites without massive hordes.

The Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut, site of a great burial chamber and a terrible terrorist attack. On the other side of that imposing hill is the Valley of the Kings.

What’s all to see in Luxor now? A lot. First on our agenda was Karnak, a vast temple complex just a couple miles from the modern city center. How vast? After Angkor Wat in Cambodia Karnak is the second-largest religious temple in the world. And if you’re wondering – I was – in our travels Mark & I have been to seven of the 10 largest.

At any rate, construction here began at the start of the second millennium BC and lasted all the way through the Ptolemaic period after Alexander’s conquest. Some 30 pharaohs contributed to the construction giving it diversity and complexity unmatched anywhere. The largest part of the temple is dedicated to Amun-Ra, an area consisting of 134 massive columns, though there are all sorts of areas in the temple worth exploring. An obelisk or two that have stood tall for some 3,500 years, massive pylons (the Greek term for the monumental entrances to Egyptian temples), lots and lots and lots of stone carvings. Truly an amazing site.

Mark and our guide Rena in Karnak’s Precinct of Ra with just a small number of the 134 columns surrounding them

From Karnak we made a relatively brief stop at the Luxor Museum. By now it was late in the day and I wasn’t really up for it but when your tour guide tells you to go, you go. And I was really glad I did. Inaugurated in 1975 it is much, much smaller than the great Egyptian Museum in Cairo but at the same time much easier to digest; the museum prides itself more in the quality of display than the quantity. And the quality is spectacular, including a couple mummified pharaohs and some stunning sculptures.

This statue of Thutmosis III, from the 15th century BC, was buried in sand for years and thus today looks as fresh and young as it did all those centuries ago

Also in the Luxor Museum was this statue of Akhenaten, husband of Nefertiti and (probably) father of Tutankhamun. Not only did Akhenaten try (unsuccessfully) to get Egypt to abandon her polytheistic roots in honor of his preferred god Aten but he even tried to change the art style as this almost El Greco-esque piece displays.

Then there was Luxor Temple itself. Built about 1400 BC, it seems to be a temple dedicated to kingship itself and may have been where Egyptian pharaohs were crowned. The entrance to Luxor Temple is a bit unbalanced; the single obelisk on one side needed another to balance it off. Well indeed there was once another obelisk there and it turns out I’ve seen it many, many times: it’s the obelisk that now stands in the Place de la Concorde in Paris! And I was intrigued with a temple within the complex that was supposedly built under the orders of Alexander the Great in honor of … himself.

The Temple of Luxor

Then it was across the river to the various necropolises that were built on the west bank (the sun sets in the west, so that side is all about dying apparently). The Valley of the Kings is the star where from the 16th century BC until the 11th pharaohs had tombs cut into the rocks and were buried in lavish style. While many of the tombs were robbed and ransacked the tomb of a distinctly minor king who died at the age of just 19, Tutankhamun, was found nearly intact in 1922.

A small section from the tomb of King Tut

Our last major site was the Mortuary Temple of Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut, dating to the 15th century BC. Hatshepsut was an interesting figure. She was, you see, a she, not very common among ancient royals. I mean, some 3,500 years later the U.S. still has issues with elevating women to high office, but I digress. But Hatshepsut reigned for at least 21 years and perhaps as long as 50 years, donning a fake beard and dressing as a man, but definitely a woman. She ascended to the throne after her husband died and left only a two-year-old son to succeed him. Hatshepsut ruled in his place and, as he grew older, came to kind of resent his mother. On her death he succeeded on his own and had all her names erased from the temple. Still, she is regarded as one of the great Egyptian pharaohs though not necessarily as the nicest mom in the world. She opened major trade routes for Egypt and is considered one of the greatest of Egyptian builders.

One of the side rooms in the Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut. The room itself is gated off and weird thing here is that it was entirely unlit; with the naked eye you could see nothing. If you put your iPhone up to the gate though it could adjust and see inside just fine. Wow, just wow.

After all that, I have to admit that I’ll be glad to spend a few days not touring old temples. And it’s worth adding that if I had it to do over again, we wouldn’t have done this on a cruise. We’re not cruise people, you see, and don’t usually like organized tours of any sort. I had this romantic notion of cruising down the Nila ala Cleopatra and Julius Caesar, but in practice there was more anchoring in a couple towns than actual cruising. We’d have been better off staying in hotels where we could experience the contemporary scene along with the great ruins and then maybe taking a day cruise or two to experience floating on the Nile. But – and this is a big but – I learned a tremendous amount from our guide. Until now Ancient Egypt has always been a big, vague empty spot in my understanding of ancient history but this was about as good an introduction as you can get. Good enough that I’m now reading a history of Ancient Egypt that I just never would have been able to understand before. So in that sense, mission accomplished.

Gorgeous, colorful columns in Luxor Temple

An obelisk in Karnak that has been standing right there for 3,500 years

A statue inside Luxor Temple. Ramses II? I’m not sure but they usually are…

I think I got good luck from touching his toe

Amenhotep III from the Luxor Museum. The quality of the stuff here was amazing.

A small colorful chip from a tomb recovered in Luxor

Mark on the walkway into the Valley of the Kings

Mark’s not a big fan of snakes, so this three-headed snake in one of the tombs in the Valley of the Kings got his attention

Every square inch of these old temples was plastered, painted, carved, and made beautiful

Some of the hieroglyphics in one of the tombs. I learned a lot during our week on the Nile but I still can’t read this (yet).

More of the glorious interior of some pharaoh’s tomb

We loved these grand columns

The Avenue of the Sphinx in Luxor has only recently been excavated. Connecting Karnak with the Luxor Temple it was a major thoroughfare for religious festivals during Luxor’s heyday.

More of those sphinxes

Hot air balloons in the early morning sky above Luxor. Fortunately none of these exploded.

Life for the locals on the Nile

And life for us on the Nile. We upgrade to get a nice outdoor space … so we can hang our laundry out. The neighbors likely think the Clampetts just moved in.