
All posts by Jim St. George

Mark & our fabulous friend Luba

After nearly three weeks in Croatia we flew from Split to Oslo, Norway. Over the last few days in 90 degree heat on the bike trip, we started fantasizing about Scandinavia in the 60s and 70s. Well, that’s what we got and it felt great. There we were on August 1 thinking it felt like a perfect fall day. Quite the welcome change!

I don’t know why Mark insisted on posing me by this ad

It’s worth noting that though Mark was here 36 years ago, this is my first time ever in Norway. And now both Mark & I have been in every country in Europe except Belarus. We’d like to go there, and even tried to get a visa there nine years ago, but given the geopolitics these days – that’s the country that cooperated with Russia in the invasion of Ukraine – it might be a while before we check off that last European country.

Much of the stop in Oslo was about seeing friends. First up was Luba, a woman we first met five years ago on a bike trip in Japan; since then we’ve spent time with her in London and Corfu. This time, when she learned we were going to be in Oslo she decided to fly up from London where she lives and have dinner and drinks with us. Such fun! And the great news is she’s taking some important new job that will require her to come to NY periodically.

The next night was dinner with Bart & Ann, our old Cambridge neighbors, and their friends Pat & Sam. This was just a one night overlap with Bart & Ann, our last night in Oslo, but we’re spending three days in Bergen with them later in the week.

Dinner was notable in part just because the Japanese restaurant we went to screwed up pretty much everything. More interesting, though, was that their friend Pat is a Edvard Munch scholar. Munch is the most famous Norwegian artist (think The Scream) and in fact Oslo had recently opened an entire museum dedicated to his work; Pat consulted with the museum during its development.

The Scream

We had toured the museum the day before and, to put it mildly, it infuriated Mark. I was pretty annoyed but Mark was almost beside himself. The problem? At no point did the displays in the Munch museum tell you a thing about who Munch was, where he came from, what motivated him, who influenced him, or anything of the sort. And he’s a really interesting guy; as Wikipedia puts it in their introduction, “His childhood was overshadowed by illness, bereavement and the dread of inheriting a mental condition that ran in the family.” He drank heavily and had a mental breakdown while in his 40s. I mean, that’s worth at least mentioning, right? Maybe it would explain a bit about why his paintings have titles like “Anxiety,” “Despair,” and “Death and the Child” along with “The Scream” of course. Not so much, apparently, in the Munch Museum. Eventually we got over the frustrating lack of context and just enjoyed the art, but to us at least it definitely felt like a missed opportunity.

During our three-day stay we toured two other museums, an opera house, a library, and a large park with a huge collection of statues. Here’s a quick summary.

The modest modern art museum was forgettable. Enough said. The National Gallery, on the other hand was a great art museum. It covered the 16th century to contemporary art, it was very easy to follow your way through, and had absolutely great descriptions in every single gallery. It was like taking a survey course of Western art history with a heavy oversampling of Norwegian art. So good it made you wonder what the people who put the Munch museum together were thinking.

The opera house tour was fun, too. The building itself is the main attraction, a very modern and well done piece of architecture. And for an hour a guide took us and a reasonably small group through the back stage area to see how it all fits together. A good way to spend an hour but after seeing 10 operas at the Met last year we had to say that it all felt a little small.

The exterior of the Opera house. It’s a beautiful building, set in a great location near the city center but we can’t take credit for the photo – Mark just grabbed it from the Internet.

The other highlight was Frogner Park, a place that wasn’t remotely on our radar until Luba suggested it. She’d been in Oslo three years ago with her mother who really wanted to see it. It was amazing. The park itself is big, the biggest in Oslo in fact, but what makes it “pop” are the 212 bronze and granite statues by Norway’s premier sculptor, Gustav Vigeland. All the statues are of people – old and young, men and women, boys and girls. They’re sitting and standing and running and jumping and thinking and acting … and there’s not a stitch of clothing on any of them. This is a park that would drive former Attorney General John Ashcroft stark raving mad. (He once had a statue in the Justice Department partially covered with a cloth because there was a bare breast.) Vigeland’s style, though, was just so unique and interesting. Good call Luba!!

Boys running in Frogner Park

And then, just before leaving Oslo, we made time for a quick pass through the new library, right next to the new opera house. A case where great design and architecture really made you just want to hang out in the library. It even smelled like a library.Very well done.

And that was Oslo. You might note that there was no raving about the food here; that was not an oversight. And I didn’t rant and rave about the $2.11 it cost me to use a public toilet in Frogner Park. I know, bushes are a lot cheaper. But then I also didn’t spend enough time here talking about the amazing train from the Oslo Airport into the city. And our stop was too brief to enjoy the small beach or public saunas available. We still have a couple weeks in Norway, though, so we may be able to fit some of those in.

Mark in particular was really taken by Oslo’s architecture

A man and a boy in Frogner Park

A man … juggling babies?

Of course, like any good park Frogner had trees and flowers and lovely quiet spots to read, too

The main theater in the Opera house

The sparkling new National Museum is packed with Norwegian art and treasures. Here, four Norwegian artists have applied different historic glazes to IKEA plates.

Cutting edge design at the stunning new library

Doesn’t this just make you want to study?

This is our third trip to Dubrovnik and yet the very first picture we’ve had from inside the old town. Buzz Bar was great for both the Negronis and the people watching.

Day Eight was a leisure day in Dubrovnik. Dubrovnik is certainly one of the beautiful, ancient cities in the Mediterranean and worthy of a great day of sight seeing. But we’ve already been here, twice, so we didn’t need a lot of sight seeing. We went into the old town for dinner twice – arrival day and the day off – but didn’t need to do more. So instead of sight seeing we spent a very relaxed day at the beach. Sunbeds, umbrella, water, lunch – a pretty lazy day.

One crazy coincidence, though. The boat was tied up in the port area, a mile or two from the old city. As we were walking into town we noticed that when we were first in Dubrovnik nine years ago we’d stayed not far from the port and walked the same route into town. As we were taking a selfie some random tourist offered to take our picture for us … and we realized it was exactly the same place we’d taken a picture nine years earlier. See for yourself!

Walking from the boat into old town Dubrovnik. We were in exactly this spot nine years ago.

And here we are nine years ago. That tree over Mark’s right shoulder is so recognizable. And fortunately we haven’t changed a bit in nine years either!

Then it was back to biking. Over the next couple of days we biked on the islands of Šipan, Mljet, and then again on Hvar, the other end of where we’d biked earlier on the trip. The first ride was pretty low-key, nothing too challenging, but the next day the tour guides for some reason changed plans and put us on the island of Mljet. The ride wasn’t long, just an out-and-back, but the return route was on a crazy steep hill; most of us on push bikes (as opposed to e-bikes) had to walk up a considerable portion of it.

And then a long ride on Hvar that was pretty tough, some 34 miles with three tough climbs. Of course three tough climbs means lots of long downhills, too, but it’s the long climbs that really get to you. Add to that some brutal heat. To be honest, it’s just too hot to enjoy the biking these days, well up into the 90s on the long ride on Hvar. Which also makes meals on the boat when we’re not at sea pretty unbearable, too. Ugh.

I haven’t had a lot of beer over the last several years but after biking 20 or 30 miles with big hills and in intense heat, this is about the most welcome sight in the world.

The good news about the biking here is the fantastic wine: between wine bars that we find in little towns and a wine tasting we did in Trstenik on the Peljašic peninsula we’re discovering really great wines. And as long as I’m talking about what we love, the opportunity to bike into and spend time in lots of little towns – some really little but still either cute or outright beautiful – has been great.

This local white wine on Trstenik was really good, and cost all of about $2.25!

On the down side, of course, is the heat, the hills, and … COVID! Yup, four of our ship mates have tested positive over the last few days. Nobody has been sick beyond just a little tired and cough and so on, but that’s certainly not ideal. The good news is that after those four cases several days ago no one else has gotten sick. We spend an enormous amount of time outside, either biking or on deck, and those who’ve tested positive stay separate. So far at least that’s working.

Now back to biking. We’d appreciate it if this heat wave would break, but not much sign of it in the forecasts.

Most of the people on our tour spent their rest day in Dubrovnik kayaking. We spent it resting at Coral Beach.

One of perhaps a million cute little port towns here on the Dalmatian Coast. That island on the left seems unreal.

Getting to know our ship/bike mates has been a lot of fun. Here are John & Pam joining us for a glass of wine in Trstenik.

And Mark on a break with Cindy and Cheryl

Early morning view in Šipan

Evening port in Šipan

On most days we anchor in a harbor or cove of some sort for a swim. This is what it looks like.

And this is what it looks like when you’re biking uphill and have to watch for wild boars

We spent one evening tied up in the tiny, tiny town of Trstenik, population 116

On the island of Mljet we biked to the little town of Okuklje. It was a lovely stop but the ride back up was insanely steep.

On the road to Lastovo, overlooking Zaklopatica, which looks like a really lovely port town. It always amazes me that we bike that whole elevation from the sea.

We’re half way through our two-week bike trip and, as Mark already noted, the days have a distinct regularity. Get up, have breakfast, bike from sea level to the top of some hill, bike back to sea level. Usually a swim or two somewhere in there, often while the boat just anchors at sea, which can be fabulous.

One change that we’ve made is that Mark & I typically figure out the route on our Google Maps and head off on our own before the rest of the group. That gives us the chance to bike on our own – with Mark on his e-bike far in front – and avoid the regular stops to regroup and all that. Big improvement.

We started Day Five on the island of Lastovo, one of the smaller inhabited Adriatic islands in Croatia. It’s also further out in the Adriatic than most islands so during the years of the Cold War Yugoslavia used it pretty much exclusively as a key military base barred to foreign nationals; even Yugoslavs were discouraged from coming to the island. As a result the island suffered economic stagnation and depopulation. It’s been reopened now for some 30 years, but it still has the feel of a place that time has kind of passed by. Which actually makes for some pretty good biking as the 18 miles we did across the island saw little traffic but some great vistas.

Our boat, the Romantica, tied up to a little pier in Lastovo

After the ride, over lunch, we sailed to the island of Korčula, one of Croatia’s premier tourist islands. The next morning we set off on a serious ride, by far the most difficult so far: 38 miles from west to east including not one but two big climbs. Definitely some rewarding views but I was exhausted. The good news was that there was a nice beach waiting for us at the end of the ride that included a cafè with cold beer. It may well have been the first beer I’ve had in four or five years and oh heavens was it good.

In the town of Korčula we discovered this great wine bar up a little alley with a beautiful view of the sea and a great cooling breeze. The white wine is a Grk (that’s right, no vowel) an obscure grape grown only in a small area of this island. It was honestly one of the best glasses of wine I’ve ever had.

Finally, the next morning over breakfast we cruised to the town of Prapratno on the mainland and bike on to Slano, less than 20 miles northwest of Dubrovnik. After the previous day’s 38 miles, this 17-mile ride seemed like a breeze. On the way we passed the town of Ston, which claims the second-longest stone walls in the world after the Great Wall of China. That may be true but having been to the Great Wall, well, you just shouldn’t make that comparison. It’s worth noting that the stop in Ston to see the not-as-great wall (honestly impressive but not a Great Wall) was our third stop of the day after just four kilometers. From there Mark & I took off on our own again.

From here it’s down to Dubrovnik for a rest day before we head back up the coast for week two.

Our friends Ethyl, Molly, and Chrissy enjoying Korčula

There are a lot of views like this

And this

Occasionally we find ourselves on tiny roads surrounded by vineyards

Mark took this shot of me biking away from Ston

Mark getting ready to enjoy a great seafood for two appetizer in Korčula

And me at the same dinner. Normally we have dinner onboard but in this case we had a free night in the city. Mark did the research to find a great restaurant, and with a reservation we scored this perfect table right on the sea.

One last shot of Korčula. There’s a reason it’s one of Croatia’s top tourist destinations and a place I could easily imagine coming back for a few days.