Today was a great biking day. I scheduled a 75-kilometer ride to Beng Mealea, another old Buddhist temple, with Grasshopper Adventures, the same company Mark & I rode with two days ago out to Angkor Wat. They run tours throughout Asia and based on these experiences I may be looking for them a lot over the coming months.
It turns out not many tourists want to schedule 75-kilometer rides, and I was the only one on the tour – just me and the guide, so we could go at whatever pace I wanted. We traveled on everything from paved roads to gravel roads to muddy paths, through rice fields and rural villages. Just beautiful. Meanwhile someone else was driving a tuk-tuk to the 25-kilometer spot, and then the 50-kilometer spot, with fresh fruit, cold water, and chilled cloths for wiping down. Then, after we’d ridden to the temple he strapped the bikes onto the tuk-tuk so after lunch we were driven back into town. I don’t experience that when biking on my own!
This was the longest ride I’ve done in years, though I observed from the start that a long ride for me used to be 75 miles, not 75 kilometers. Apparently the secret to growing old is to just convert to metric.
Tomorrow we’re taking a bus to Phnom Penh for a few days, before (probably) heading south to the Cambodian beaches. We had been planning to fly up to Hanoi, where my brother had a business meeting scheduled. But when the meeting got canceled, we dropped Vietnam and now will spend probably a full month in Cambodia before crossing overland into Laos for maybe another month. So far this Southeast Asia stuff is pretty good!
At any rate, here are some of my favorite new pictures.

Farm workers on our path out of Siem Reap

Black & White Bear always said that bamboo bridges were the best bridges. I didn’t realize how true that was until today I crossed this bamboo bridge.

I saw a lot of rice fields and rural houses today

Yup – our path through a rice field

A library at Beng Mealea. My guide tells me that Pol Pot blew up what was left of these 12th century ruins in search of gold. Apparently he didn’t find any.

More ruins

My guide in front of some awesome roots. I liked him – he was a good guide AND said he thought I was in my early 40s.

OK, we learned they did the drag show both Friday and Saturday nights. So we went back. I mean, who could refuse a class act like this?